
Showing posts from September 11, 2011

Top Models 2


Asian Men Hair Style

Asian male hair is one of the most difficult types to style, since Asian hair is very thick and coarse. When it is cut short, Asian hair tends to stick straight up. Random spots on the head where hair is unruly, called "cowlicks," are also common with Asian hair. However, with a little patience, practice and the right male grooming products, Asian male hair can be tamed.

Models Diet

Model Diet Basics In a series of interviews readers learn about the lifestyle habits of a group of models. The models talk about what kinds of foods they like to eat, their typical daily eating patterns, their exercise routines and their attitudes towards alcohol and diet pills. Some points from each interview that can help you to incorporate healthy weight loss strategies from each model. At the end of each interview there is also space for you to print out and write down the tips and advice that you especially liked.

Models Look

Looking like a model doesn't always mean that you have to be between the sizes of 00-14. Being a model means being comfortable with yourself, loving the way you look, and being happy. Models have a confident mystique about them. Even the most conventionally beautiful models carry themselves with an aura that exudes style, grace, and health. Here's how to get in touch with your own inner model and who knows, maybe even get discovered! Get fit . Being healthy is a million times more important than being thin. Check with your doctor for your proper weight range and work to get and stay within it. Exercise, eat properly, and drink plenty of water. You are what you eat, so learn to like it in order to achieve the weight you want and be as healthy as you can be. As long as you're in your healthy range, you'll look fabulous. And if you're already happy with your body, then you can still look like a model. You don't have to be thin to look like a model. You don't

How be a male model tips

Modeling Tip: It is a challenge for new college guys to obtain their first Model Jobs. It might be easier to get noticed by one of the several small underwear manufacturers. However, due to "commercial conflicts," you will not be able to pose for another larger budget underwear maker if you model for a small maker. A small operation may only pay you a few hundred dollars and use your image for years. If you land a booking with a major underwear line that pays $20,000 19 months later, you might not be eligible due to the conflict. Hence the catch-22 situation: A college guy wants to break into the underwear modeling business, but he only can model for one line for two years even though it is easier to get in with a small line. So, I new model needs to assure that the model release he signs limits the time which his photos can be published.